Download Issue 4 Summer/Fall 2022
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Table of Contents – Anarchist Review of Books #4
Against Borders: The Case for Abolition by Gracie Mae Bradley and Luke de Noronha. Review by Shawn Miller
Fiction and Poetry
Out of Order: Genet, crime and the passage à l’acte by Cynthia Cruz
Lucky Breaks by Yevgenia Belorusets / Review by Tallulah Griffith
Begin the World Over by Kung Li Sun / Review by Carrie Laben
The Doloriad by Missouri Williams / Review by Nick Mamatas
LOTE by Shola von Reinhold / Review by Agnes Borinsky
Palm-Lined with Potience by Basie Allen, Banana [ __ ] / we pilot the blood (The 3rd Thing) by Quenton Baker and Paul Hlava Ceballos, Virgil Kills by Rolando V. Wilson
Reviews by Heather Bowlan
Oh, you thought this was a date?! by C. Russell Price / Review by D.G. Gerard
Art and Film
Time Zone J by Julie Doucet / Review by Anne Elizabeth Moore
Małgorzata Mirga-Tas in Venice / Review by Nicholas Gamso
Black Collagists: The Book Edited by Teri Henderson / Review by Richard Allen May III
Films of Anand Patwardhan / Review by Ranbir Sidhu
ARB Writing
Sparks Curated by Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore
Cages: The Liberal Carceral State by Steven W. Thrasher
DOPE Fiends: A Conversation with Dog Section Press by Marc Lepson
This Shit Sucks: Jessica Lawless talks with Sarah Jaffe
No I.D. – Lola Meisseroff in conversation with Gilles Dauve
Blast Off: Libertarian exit by Raymond Craib
Nightfall Fiction by Thanasis Stamoulis
DIY: Weird Luck
Right to Carry by Glynis Hart
Instructions for an Insurrection From the Situationist International 1960
Artists in this issue include
Kent Monkman (cover), Doris Hakim (p.2), Jenny Polak, Sedrick Chisom, Ben Durham, N. Masani Landfair, Julie Doucet, Marc Lepson, Matthew Frame, Shellyne Rodriguez, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Tanya Hastings Gill, Chuck Webster, Kenny Vaden, Tammie Rubin, Chitra Ganesh, Joe Houston, Erin Houghtaling